Intergalactic guardian of Sector 2814, Harold 'Hal' Jordan, is presented in his Green Lantern Corps uniform. Intricately detailed and featuring a 3D chest insignia, his fitted suit features wrist gauntlets, combat gloves, and mid-calf boots. Included is a real light-up Power Battery lantern as used by the Green Lantern Corps to recharge their power rings. Activate the light-up feature by placing the right fisted hand in the recess of the lantern. The One:12 Collective Hal Jordan features a One:12 Collective body that features 32 points of articulation and stands about 6 1/2-inches tall! He comes with 11x interchangeable hands that include smoke, star, shield blast and energy ball effects, plus two interchangeable heads and Power Battery with ring activated light-up function! Hal comes with a One:12 Collective display base with logo and adjustable display post for easy posing! Each One:12 Collective Hal Jordan figure is packaged in a collector friendly box, designed with fans in mind!